Sunday, 26 June 2011

Silkscreening on to mugs

I spent this morning silkscreening images on to mugs!

It was a bit of a learning experience getting the Yudu machine to work. My first attempt at making a screen was a failure... the emulsion did not adhere the way it was supposed to. My nice friend Sarah (an experienced Yudu user) came over last night and helped me make another screen, and this time it worked!

This morning I cleaned up my mugs in preparation for the transfers. Once I made a batch of ink I  successfully transferred images on to a set of 6 mugs. I'm excited that I'm able to, more and more, blend my experience as a graphic designer with my life as a potter! Thanks again to Cathy Terepocki - this is her technique and it works beautifully!

Pottery ink - flint, mason stain and glycerine.
My first screened print on tissue paper.
My first transfers. I ended up redoing the one at the end.
My used transfers.
The finished transfers! Now they'll have to dry, then into the kiln they go.

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome! I am so excited to see it come together so nicely. Love these and can't wait to see what else you will do. :)
